Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Day 127 of my 365 Project.
the prompt on one of the flickr communities i follow is "Dreams of Flying", inspired by the style of photographer Jan Von Holleben.
it is also Guitar Tuesday, a personal challenge i've incorporated into my P365.
i decided to go a little outside of the box by doing another jumpology shot, having achieved my first one back on Day 119, which was thrilling and made me want to do it again (because i am a huge geek.). And, after all, jumping is kind of like flying, right?
altho i was planning on jumping on my bed with my acoustic guitar, which i do not have a strap for. ...yeah, i'm brilliant, aren't i?

test shot, to make sure my ghetto tripod (a box on top of my dresser.) was tall enough to capture roughly all my body in the shot.

a shot i got on the second try, which i liked, but i didn't want my feet touching the frame of the photo, i wanted there to be negative space beneath me so the levitation was really clear. so, again!:

the runner-up shot, taken a few takes after the winner:

final shot of the day. cheers.

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