Sunday, April 17, 2011

signs of spring.

blossoms. blossoms everywhere.
against the sky.
spring has come.
these are all from the first weekend of april, when some of the flowers where still just opening. since then, there has been a lot of rain and there are petals everywhere; the flowers do not look as perfect but are still so lovely.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

of cookies and clones.

way back on day 286 (a Sunday) of my 365 project, i made cookies. and cloned myself.
and i proceeded to do all the things i usually do on Sundays (or any other day, for that matter.). this included reading, sketching, listening to music, messing about on my laptop (writing and processing photos and coloring sketches and spending copious amounts of time on deviantART and tumblr.), watching movies, etc, etc.
and, of course, eating cookies. they were chocolate chip and M&M cookies, and very delicious. both clones thought so, and quickly devoured them until there was just one left:
oh dear.
this series is probably my best cloning to date, and amuses me endlessly. thus, i share with the world :D
and now i'm off to make more cookies!