Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'll mend myself before it gets me...

I did a reading for myself on Thursday night with my new oracle cards. 

First Card:
Recharge your batteries. 
Second Card:
Detoxify your mind and body. 
Third Card: 
Be honest with yourself. What is your heart's true desire?

And all of these cards jumped out when I was shuffling them. I didn't even need to draw one. The cards are onto me...

My moods have been something of a rollercoaster this quarter. I have my highs and lows, ups and downs. When I get up I have no idea how I'll feel when I go back to bed (when I finally go to bed). Every hour I'm not working on some project or another is one more hour in the morning I'm staying up (I am grateful, in this way, for afternoon and evening classes, otherwise I'd get no sleep at all). I've been staying up late, sleeping in, drinking too much coffee and energy drinks (though much more of the former). I feel guilty whenever I'm doing something that isn't schoolwork (including updating this sad little once-a-month-no-more blog; I'm even doing it in class, so I'm doubly bad). 

I alternatively feel confident and depressed by my Portfolio project. Whether or not I will have everything done in time on time and looking good is always questionable. And then there's certain people who have missed a couple classes, and I worry about them too. It's hard to be empathetic. Maybe that's why I'm so unsocial. It just seems easier not to care. (wow, that makes me sound bitchy. Sorry, I am very tired, and don't really know what I'm trying to say.)

Things to do, things to do, and people to see (eventually). Sorry, people, you will have to wait so that I don't completely fall apart. Because in order not to fall apart I need to see you. I have a hard time finding balance in my life. 

Perhaps I shall write more later; class is over and I have errands to run before I throw myself back onto the grindstone. But I also know I need to take time out, time off, to breathe. I need to keep reminding myself that everything is going to be all right. It's hard sometimes, you know?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wake up Exhausted

Once again, things are reduced to numbers around me. Or, more specifically, times. 

Yesterday, class ended at 5.30. I left school at 8.30. I got home at 10.oo. I stayed up all night working on Portfolio work and went to bed at 4.45. I got up at 7.18. I was at school again at 8.37.

And yet I am still functioning. Going to pull another semi-all-nighter tonite so that I can go into school tomorrow and print off my Design Tech. assignment due Tuesday (Monday's a holiday, thank God). But anyways. 

Yesterday, while I was working after class, I was going back and forth from the mac lab to the printer (basically from one end of the floor to the other). A lot of people had gone by that point (after all, it was Friday night, only losers stay late on Friday night, ahahaha...). I was the only person in that computer room, and when I went to the printer, the hall was completely empty as well, even of the security guard at the front desk. And I thought,

What if the world just ended, while I was working, and I just didn't notice? 

And then I thought, 

How typical of me.

I have been busy. Deadlines live up to their names. I still find things to amuse and inspire me so I have tactfully avoided going completely insane. Not that a little dose of insanity is bad. But I do worry; sometimes it seems I'm not that far off having violent mood swings that consist of breaking everything in sight. Like the computer in front of me while I'm completing an inane assignment that is a complete waste of my time, or my instructor's head when he/she asks me to complete an inane assignment that is a complete waste of my time. 

Today's amusement consisted of going to The Dark Knight. AMAZING. MOVIE. 
The Joker is my knew favorite psychopath.