Sunday, February 15, 2009

i have changed, just like you.


The theme from Mirror's Edge "Still Alive" by Lisa Miskovsky:


In-game footage from Mirror's Edge:

It looks so freaking amazing. SO FREAKING AMAZING. But I would probably die if I tried playing it. A lot. A LOT. And get really worked up as I tried not to die. A lot. And curse at the TV and the game consol and the characters shooting at me. A lot.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Text Conversation.

Akki: It is Silent Hill at the back of the store...
Me: Decomposing nurses and barbed wire?
Akki: Halogen lights and metal wiring with eerie ghost creaks and a haunted tap.
Me: That was going to be my next guess.
Akki: It scares meeee... :<
Me: Don't you have your cross?
Akki: 10.30 shift. I forgot it in a state of sleepiness.
Me: Baka. Sometimes I wear my pentacle, my ankh, and my cross, just to have all my bases covered.
Akki: Pft, in case you run into a demonic Celtic mummy?
Me: But of course.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

everything's so blurry

Maybe it's because so many of my friends are gamers (just calling it like it is, dudes), but I found the video massively amusing and true. I really like how the art director used a man for the "main character". And some of the avatars are just so cute!

And in other things that have caught my attention (like it's so hard):
Imagine being so together that you can create an annual report for yourself :D
I want to do this. One day. Year. Whatever. Because, as we have said before, I am a graphic design NERD.
Nerd in general, graphic designer on the side.

(and, if you're a nerd like me:
here's something to get you started on your own annual report recordings.)

Midterms are next week. Look forward to angst-filled posts the next few days. Although by going to school on my days off, I have been able to effectively brainwash myself into thinking I've accomplished a lot. (hahaha, seriously? I know, right?)

Inner Voice: Go draw stuff, bitch.

...Inner Voice is right. Going to work on illlustrations for Senior Project now (gah, I need to start posting those and spread the...messed-up-ness of my mind).
Later, later later. (procrastinators of the world unite!...Tomorrow.)

Ah, on an ending note, I have no idea where I saw this (either in a magazine, on a stamp on devART, or an icon on livejournal):
  1. social life
  2. sufficient sleep
  3. good grades
Pick any two. Welcome to college.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The minor fall, the major lift.

One-month-late-New-Year's-resolution: actually update this blog and turn it into my professional one. :|
...there seems to be something slightly contradictory about the phrase "professional blog". It's probably the word "blog". It sounds very...teenage. But that's just me. 
Other "resolutions" *cough cough* are to read more, write more, draw more. 
Yes, I will do all of this, plus graduate with honors. 
I am freaking superwoman. 

So I have this rather retarded little digital diary that is no more than a word document. When I'm not demonstrating my ADD through disjointed drabble, I also drop in quotes and interesting links I come across. 

Inner voice: When you should be working.
*shoots inner voice*

I also like doing horrible things to the voices in my head, but that's sort of connected to the disjointed drabble. Writing. It is good to keep the mind sane. 

Let's go back in time for a week or so and rediscover some of the good little tidbits I have discovered. 
Note: most of the links will have to do with design and artsy-type things. Because I am a huge nerd. HUGE. 


...Hell. My cell phone just went off while I am sitting in on a class. Very loudly, I might add.  Can I sink into the floor now, please? And why is my cell not on vibrate when I need it to be, and yet it is always on vibrate when I am expecting a call and no where near it? This is the second time it's gone off during a class gaaaah... (I will stop obsessing now. Like, right now.)

Time for quotes:
“Oh God, that’s good.” —Mythra, my Professional Development teacher, after taking a sip of her coffee.
“Are you going by Kat or do you have a real name?”—Drew, classmate, to me.
“No, no, I’m not calling you gay, I’m calling you a queer-ass faggot.” random drunk girl, to Chris.

(That last one is my personal favorite.)
PS--I now have a Twitter :D