Sunday, December 6, 2009

Still Alive (really.)

Hi, my name is Kat and I should update my journals more often.

Timeline of my life for the last few months:
- my sister got engaged at the end of July
- I went home for a weekend in August for an anime convention and my mom's birthday
- my sister moved into a new place with her fiance (beginning of September)
- I moved into a new place by myself (mid-September)
- my parents came out to visit over Thanksgiving.
- I turned 21 (mid-November)
- I started guitar lessons (end of November)

My fingers hurt.
(Still getting used to the strings.)

I have also been writing fairly obsessively. I try to get in two thousand words a day. Nothing concrete, mostly just rambling short pieces.
Talking to myself.
Talking to the voices in my head.
(I'm not crazy, I swear.)
I've been following the NaNoWriMo formula for a couple of months now. It's been working pretty well.

October wordcount = 50,143
November wordcount = 52,081

I don't know. I need to do little things to keep myself busy.

The only New Years resolutions I do every year are: read more, write more, draw more.
I've read almost fifty books this year, so that's covered.
My writing quota has been getting better (see above stats). Who really cares if it's just rambling? "Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self." Cyril Connelly.
I'm trying to get more arting stuff done. I have lots of ideas for typography posters. And I've joined a couple of artjam forums. I need to find my camera and start taking pictures again.

I apologize for my rambling.
Coherency is not something I worry about anymore.

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